Friday, February 3

13-16 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Diary

~ Thirteen Weeks Pregnant ~
I have realized that peppermint tea that I have been drinking for "morning" sickness is was making my heartburn worse! 

Over the next four weeks, the baby will grow from the size of a pea pod to that of an avocado!

~ Fourteen Weeks Pregnant~

I have been happily enjoying Thanksgiving foods! When I was pregnant with Harper, I had an intense poultry aversion that made the holiday pretty rough for me, not so this time. I also think (fingers crossed) my "morning" sickness may be passing and my heartburn has not been so bad either lately. The thing that has most been on my mind is wondering when I will feel the baby start moving. With Harper, I felt movement starting at 15 weeks, so I am expecting it to be soon. I have heard you feel it sooner with each pregnancy, so it should be any time now! 

~ Fifteen Weeks Pregnant~
Not feeling so sick - still really tired, but that could be because my toddler has been getting up a 5am. Planning to tell people next week. Still not certain I have felt the baby kick yet, I am really anxious to start feeling him or her.

~ Sixteen Weeks Pregnant ~
This week we finally told people about the pregnancy, with this video! I have also been feeling a few flutters. I have not been very sick lately, and my heartburn has been much less.  I am still super tired, after a long day I will be so run down, it is hard for me to gather the energy to make dinner.  

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