Sunday, May 28

What's In My Baby's Hospital Bag

the bag:
Fawn Design - Gray
This is my first backpack style diaper bag, i have heard that is essential when trying to manage a toddler and newborn at once. I am excited and scared to see how I like it, once I start using it regularly. I love the look of it and the few times I have taken it out for a test run, I have received tons of compliments. I just loved my StorkSak Tania (now worn out from 2.5 years of constant use) so much, it will be hard for another diaper bag to rise as high in my esteem, but I think this one has a shot. 

to dress the baby:
When I my son, I only brought going home clothes for him, one outfit in newborn and another in 0-3 mo. size. 
I wished I had our own stuff to dress him in at the hospital, especially when we had guest passing him around and taking pictures. This time, I am bringing what I want to make sure this baby can be dressed cuter and more covered than with just what the hospital will provide. I am also bringing newborn size things only, as my son was 6lb 1oz at full term and swimming in the newborn stuff by the time he lost 10% of his weight right after birth. I am guessing even if this baby is a bit bigger, she won't be too big for Newborn sized stuff. 
• 2 Footed "Sleep & Play" Bodysuit, Size: Newborn
These have fold over hand covers, which I may be glad to have if she starts scratching her face. I am not even going to try cutting her nails in those first few days. Otherwise, I don't know if we will dress her in these to sleep, like we will at home or just when we have guest or if it is cold. She may not fit them at all. My son couldn't wear his for a few weeks, his legs would get sucked up inside them.
• 3 Onesies, Size: "Up to 7lbs"
Watch this baby girl be 8 lbs. 
• 3 Pairs of Soft Leggings/Pants, Size: Newborn 
3 outfits in addition to the footed sleepers, is totally more that I anticipate using, and I don't know if she will wear pants, if it is really hot. But I like having back ups and options.
• 2 Hats and 1 Bow, Size: "Up to 7lbs". (Hats) and One Size (Bow)
I am really excited to put her in her own, much cuter than what the hospital will give her, hat. The bow is for pictures, and was one of the first "girl" things I purchased for her.
 • 1 Pair of Socks, Size: 0-6 months
Jusy incase we want them for either her feet or her hands.

to wrap the baby:
• Muslin Swaddles
One of these is cotton, like all the others I have had and loved before and the other is bamboo rayon, a material I not had this type of blanket out of before. It is silky soft, though I have heard it can snag more easily. Being summertime, these are the only type of blankets I think I will want, they are light, large and versatile.

Diapers and Wipes - Honest Co. And 7th Generation.  I am bringing our prefered, unscented diapers and wipes incase either the baby or I arw bothered by the hospital provided ones. 

• Nursing Cover 
By no means do I feel obligated to cover up for other people's comfort, but sometimes I would like to for my own. I am  actually pretty excited about this cover as it can also be used as a shopping gcart or car seat cover and seems like it may actually cover better than others styles I have previously tried. 
• Soothie Gel Pads
These seriously kept me going last time in the early days of breastfeeding. So, I want to have Them on hand right at the start.
• Nipple Baulm
I have a tube of lanolin as well as a few samples of other kinds to try.  
• Re-Usable Breast Pads
I never really had a problem with leaking, I am bringing these to protect my clothes from the nipple Baulm. 

• Wet Bag 
For bringing home her dirty clothes.
• Pacifiers
Two different kinds, I am really hoping she will like one of them. I am not worried about nipple confusion as much as I am about nipple damage fatigue getting in the way of breastfeeding. 
• Small Note Pad and Pen
Seems like the kind of thing to have on hand in hospital. 
• Hand Sanitizer Gel and Wipes
I find a new baby as great reason to embrace my germaphobia. The pump bottle is to have at the ready for guest before they hold the baby. 
• Baby Tracker Pages 
To help us keep tracking the first few days, when the doctor and nursed will want to known about the baby's intake and output. 

Sunday, May 21

Five Girl Names I Love...But, Am Not Using!

This is a tag I have seen on YouTube and decided to do for you here. It is usually 10 names, 5 boys and 5 girls, but since it is no secret I am expecting a girl, I decided to save the boys for another time. While I will not be sharing Baby Burgess #2's name in this post, it might help you get some ideas, I am revealing a bit of our taste preferences and some rules Rob and I used for guiding our choice.

I love word names and have loved Honor since the first time I heard it used as a name, for Logan Huntsberger's sister on "Gilmore Girls", I am not even put off by the strong Jessica Alba/ star baby association. The deal breaker here is that it starts with an H, like Harper and we don't want to do an all H theme for our kid's names. I would potentially be ok with doing a theme either for all our kids or for all our kids of the same sex, but if we had a boy and then a girl with matching first initials, I would feel locked in. 

You can see the big issue with this one right away... But, It's s color and a tree! Like my name! And there is a pretty decent chance she would have hazel eyes, since her older brother has. Even if it were not for the H problem, I have realized Hazel is the sort of name I love to see on another person's little girl but not my own. I think it falls a bit more into the  "old lady" name trend than my taste.

This would be after, Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. I also just love the sound of Eliza, it is one of those names that feels good to say and hear. But, I have an Aunt Elizabeth, and another rule Rob and I have is not to use the names of any relatives (or even of anyone we know if we can help it). There are still a few names from the Austen universe on the table though.

I love this for a boy or girl, but especially for a girl. There is something about a girl with a unisex name that skews more masculine that delights me in some cases, such as this one. It almost makes it seem more both preppy and princessey, which are both things I like. For Rob and I, Camden would be a nod to the fictional school of Camden, a Bret Easton Ellis reference. Alas, we have an adorable nephew named Cameron, so Cam- names are off the table for us. Additionally, Camden feels a bit trendier than I would like, perhaps because it has so much in common with Caden and several other similar names that are popular right now. 

There is something I find very appealingly sumptuous about Georgia, while it is also a classic and rather straightforward and sweet. But, Rob, generally dosent like feminizations of men's names. Also, it is a place name, and while it is a beautiful place and one where I have relatives, it is not one where we have spent a great deal of time or have a strong personal history.

What's In My Hospital Bag

I love reading these kind of post, partially to get ideas for what I might want to bring to the hospital and partially just to get a little glimpse into someone else's life through what they feel the need to bring with them when they go to have their baby. 
I am aiming for a VBAC, but also packed with a possible repeat c-section in mind and the knowledge that my hospital stay could be 2-4 days depending. I have separate bags packed for my baby and husband, which I plan to show in another post.

•Two generously sized shortsleeve t- shirts and one long sleeve
•One pair of yoga pants and one pair of maternity leggings
•One pair of fuzzy socks. I have been looking for slippers, since my old ones have worn out, but haven't found any I love. 
•One nursing tank
•One nursing bra
•A few large pads
•Belly Binder I am packing the big ugly bandage looking one left over from my c-section, I plan to get a Belly Bandit after a week or two, that way I don't risk buying the wrong size initially. 
•Four pairs of high waisted, cotton panties. I was not a fan of the mesh ones hey gave me last time.
•Swim suit top My hospital has labor tubs, I may get to use.
•Skirt that could go on the water. Also, for tub labor, clearly.
•Flip flops for the shower
I loved being able to shower and put on makeup before having visitors, last time. 
Naked 3 is my favorite eyeshadow pallet and probably my favorite makeup item.
I don't have much for my hair, I am planning to wash it with the everyone shampoo/body wash, brush through some lotion and stick it up in a top knot. 
Snacks:Coconut Water, Almonds, Dark Chocolate
Phone, charger and pocket juice