Sunday, May 21

Five Girl Names I Love...But, Am Not Using!

This is a tag I have seen on YouTube and decided to do for you here. It is usually 10 names, 5 boys and 5 girls, but since it is no secret I am expecting a girl, I decided to save the boys for another time. While I will not be sharing Baby Burgess #2's name in this post, it might help you get some ideas, I am revealing a bit of our taste preferences and some rules Rob and I used for guiding our choice.

I love word names and have loved Honor since the first time I heard it used as a name, for Logan Huntsberger's sister on "Gilmore Girls", I am not even put off by the strong Jessica Alba/ star baby association. The deal breaker here is that it starts with an H, like Harper and we don't want to do an all H theme for our kid's names. I would potentially be ok with doing a theme either for all our kids or for all our kids of the same sex, but if we had a boy and then a girl with matching first initials, I would feel locked in. 

You can see the big issue with this one right away... But, It's s color and a tree! Like my name! And there is a pretty decent chance she would have hazel eyes, since her older brother has. Even if it were not for the H problem, I have realized Hazel is the sort of name I love to see on another person's little girl but not my own. I think it falls a bit more into the  "old lady" name trend than my taste.

This would be after, Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. I also just love the sound of Eliza, it is one of those names that feels good to say and hear. But, I have an Aunt Elizabeth, and another rule Rob and I have is not to use the names of any relatives (or even of anyone we know if we can help it). There are still a few names from the Austen universe on the table though.

I love this for a boy or girl, but especially for a girl. There is something about a girl with a unisex name that skews more masculine that delights me in some cases, such as this one. It almost makes it seem more both preppy and princessey, which are both things I like. For Rob and I, Camden would be a nod to the fictional school of Camden, a Bret Easton Ellis reference. Alas, we have an adorable nephew named Cameron, so Cam- names are off the table for us. Additionally, Camden feels a bit trendier than I would like, perhaps because it has so much in common with Caden and several other similar names that are popular right now. 

There is something I find very appealingly sumptuous about Georgia, while it is also a classic and rather straightforward and sweet. But, Rob, generally dosent like feminizations of men's names. Also, it is a place name, and while it is a beautiful place and one where I have relatives, it is not one where we have spent a great deal of time or have a strong personal history.

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