Tuesday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our little family had a great day together; I love these guys (and the little girl on the way) oh so much! Highlights for us included seeing "The Lego Batman Movie" and eating at a Brazilian place (our first time!). 

Now that Harper is in bed, Rob is about to crack open a Bell's Two Hearted, while I try to resist pilfering some of the sweet tart conversation hearts I gave him earlier. We let Harper have one little piece of chocolate, this afternoon and he was literally spinning in circles in the middle of the living room, laughing and holding onto his ballon string. 

I hope your day was sweet!   

Tuesday, February 7

Valentine's Ideas for Little Ones

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, Rob and I like to include Harper in the holiday, last year we made him a little gift bag (pictured below, follow the link to see everything that was inside) and we will most definitely similar in the future. If you have been reading this blog or know me in real life, you have probably figured out by now that I love planning gifts for my little guy. I think books always make such a good gifts, especially for little kids who will enjoy them over and over again, last year we gave Harper this book to go along with this plush puppy (who he sleeps with every night!), a few other books that would make perfect Valentines are "Snuggle Puppy" by Sandra Boynton and "Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You" By Nancy Tillman as well as the book linked in my collage above.

This year we have something a little different planned, we are going to one of our favorite places. We are going to the theater to see "The Lego Batman Movie", which is, I hope not too scary for our little guy! Rob really has his heart set on it and I will admit I am looking forward to it as well, I loved Lego Batman in "The Lego Movie". Plus there was a preview for it when we went to see "Moana" and Harper was really excited (thanks to Rob's example, no doubt). We also have fleece throw blanket, we are planning to give him, I haven't been able to find a picture on the Target website, but we found it in the toy section with the Batman Legos.

21-24 Weeks Pregnant

~ 21-24 Weeks Pregnant ~
I have been feeling a real sense of urgency to get ready for the baby to arrive. We still have a while to go, but it is going by so fast! These past few weeks I have not had a lot of notable symptoms, I am feeling pretty much as I was in my last update, fatigued but not sick. My 24 weeks OB appointment went well, which is to say pretty uneventful. Next month, I am scheduled for my glucose tolerance test and super not excited about drinking the glucola.
 I have decided to start including bump pictures, at least once a month. and when possible I will also include pictures for the same point in my first pregnancy.

Here I am, above, at 22 Weeks Pregnant (Baby #2)

Below are a couple pictures of me at this stage with Harper (Baby #1)

Friday, February 3

17 - 20 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Diary

~ Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen Weeks Pregnant~ 

Were pretty much spent looking forward to our twenty week - mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Happily feeling the baby moving more and more and  not feeling sick all the time. The baby grew from turnip to a banana size at week 20.

~ Twenty Weeks Pregnant~
Half way to my due date!
This has been a great week, the a baby has been very active which helps reassure me that she is doing well in there. And, of course, we found out that she is a girl!  

13-16 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Diary

~ Thirteen Weeks Pregnant ~
I have realized that peppermint tea that I have been drinking for "morning" sickness is was making my heartburn worse! 

Over the next four weeks, the baby will grow from the size of a pea pod to that of an avocado!

~ Fourteen Weeks Pregnant~

I have been happily enjoying Thanksgiving foods! When I was pregnant with Harper, I had an intense poultry aversion that made the holiday pretty rough for me, not so this time. I also think (fingers crossed) my "morning" sickness may be passing and my heartburn has not been so bad either lately. The thing that has most been on my mind is wondering when I will feel the baby start moving. With Harper, I felt movement starting at 15 weeks, so I am expecting it to be soon. I have heard you feel it sooner with each pregnancy, so it should be any time now! 

~ Fifteen Weeks Pregnant~
Not feeling so sick - still really tired, but that could be because my toddler has been getting up a 5am. Planning to tell people next week. Still not certain I have felt the baby kick yet, I am really anxious to start feeling him or her.

~ Sixteen Weeks Pregnant ~
This week we finally told people about the pregnancy, with this video! I have also been feeling a few flutters. I have not been very sick lately, and my heartburn has been much less.  I am still super tired, after a long day I will be so run down, it is hard for me to gather the energy to make dinner.