Getting off to a good start can be so important to the success of a breastfeeding relationship, now that I have been breastfeeding my son for a while (15 months), I have been wanting to share a few things that I got right from the start and a few I wish I had.

Get The Support You Need: I went into breastfeeding with a supportive husband, family and friends and I can only imagine how difficult it would have been without that. But, if I had not attended a few breastfeeding support groups and gotten help from several lactation consultants, I do not know that I would have continued breastfeeding very long. So, ask for help and keep looking for more or different help as needed.
Treat Yourself to a Nice Bra Before The Baby is Born: Something nice that will be comfortable and provide you with some support and during a a very transitional time for your breast. They will be working harder than ever and they deserve anything nice you can do for them. My very favorite, comfortable, wish I had taken it to the hospital with me, still wear it a ton nursing bra is the Cotton Candy bra by Cake.
Make Friends with a Pillow: It actually took me a little while to break in my Boppy, at first I was not entirely sure I was going to love it like I do, but as I figured out how to position it so it is most helpful to me I really got to love and rely on it and am still using it when we nurse at home.
Eat and Drink for Success: Staying hydrated and eating right (good fats, protein, oatmeal...) are clearly a part of making milk. I found it essential to keep a a straw tumbler, with ice water,must in the early days.
Arm Yourself with Entertainment: You will want to be able to read, marathon Netflix, whatever you can do to amuse yourself or sometimes just to keep yourself awake.
Soothe Gel Pads: Were just what I needed when I needed them. Highly recommend.
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