Thursday, March 2


It has been a sick, sad couple of weeks. Our family has been really sick, pretty much since Valentine's Day, one of us goes down, one after another and overlapping and getting sick again just as we think we are recovering. I am optimistic that we are coming out on the other side of it at this point, at least I hope so. Meanwhile, I have an uncle who is gravely ill from flu complications, weighing heavy on my heart. 
It is not all darkness around here though, Rob has surprised me with flowers twice since Valentine's Day, he knows unexpected roses are my favorite, especially pink ones and at a time like this when our lives could use some brightening I have been especially enjoying them.
The baby is moving and kicking or punching a lot, or maybe it just feels that way because she is getting so big in there (I will have another pregnant diary post up next week) and I have been doing a little online shopping for some things we would like to have before she gets here (perhaps I should do a baby haul post or video?). 

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