Sunday, October 23


Earlier this month, we went to a nearby orchard to pick apples. Harper had such a good time, though waiting until we got home to taste the apples was difficult for him! I tried to make crock pot apple sauce, but it was a flop since most of the apples we picked were varieties better suited for fresh eating. We still had no trouble polishing them off, Harper would ask for them all day long. 

I finally comitted to a costume idea for Harper and got it put together in time his first round of trick 'r treating last week at our library. I debated between having him be a bat, a cat or a wherewolf, but at the last minute decided to make him a spider. I was a spider one year when so was little and I remember having so much fun waving my extra arms about, I hope my little guy's memories will be just as good. 
Finally, in less exciting news, we, especially the little guy, have been battling some sort of sickness the past few days, Harper has been very grouchy, we have been trying not to let stop us from enjoying the season and I can't wait for him go feel better. 

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