Monday, January 23

9-12 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Diary

~ Nine Weeks ~

At this point in my pregnancy with Harper, we were already telling people, but this time we are hoping to keep things under wraps until December when we can do a cute holiday themed announcement. I have been scouting on Pinterest for ideas and I am super excited about it!

In December, we shared this announcement photo along with a video 

~ Ten Weeks ~

The baby is now the size of a kumquat. I have not had a kumquat in years, but I like them.

Still tired and nauseous at times, the only real news is that my waistbands are feeling a bit snug.

~ Eleven Weeks ~

For a few days, I was not feeling as nauseous and then one night after dinner it hit me again, so hard, I have been drinking peppermint or ginger tea to help fight it off and that helps a bit little (I later realized the peppermint was making my heartburn worse and stopped it). I am counting the tea toward my water intake too, I am really trying to make sure I stay well hydrated which can be a bit of a chore for me.

~Twelve Weeks ~
This week I had my second prenatal appointment and it was pretty scary. The medical student who was there with the OB could not find the baby's heartbeat with his doppler. I was just laying there on the exam table praying , but there was nothing, and then he picked up my heartbeat, then nothing. Finally, the doctor took over and found the baby pretty quickly. Needless to say, that was a huge relief.

*warning: vomit talk below*

The last night of my twelfth week, I threw up really hard core. It was so startling for me because as I have mentioned before, I don't tend to do that.  When I say hard core, I mean that I was sitting on the sofa beside Rob, we were watching "The Walking Dead" on Netflix and I was sipping on a cup of ginger tea, I had been feeling increasingly ill over the past few hours. Rob was eating his dinner (he works late and eats when he gets home) and the smell of his leftovers was really bothering me, butt not really more than smells have been lately. So, we were both pretty caught off guard when I suddenly projectile vomited onto the carpet in front of the sofa before high tailing it to the bathroom.

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